Integrate document handling into your conveyor flow for top flexibility. Documents are printed seconds before they are placed in the appropriate container for complete accuracy. Even at high speeds, the match between documents and container is perfect.
An easy way to shorten the process from picking through to dispatch.
If you want to add paperwork to orders prior to despatch, Print & Merge is the answer. Delivery notes, return slips and even preprinted brochures are automatically merged with orders before they are bagged. Without disrupting the fragile balance of the stacked objects, papers are simply added from below as items speed along the conveyor belt.
Papers are not printed until last minute, leaving ample room for last minute changes to all orders. Not a second is wasted on mixed paperwork or lapses in communication.
Printing, folding, and inserting documents into the pouch is a time-costly affair. Not only that, but the process is also highly vulnerable to misunderstandings and human errors. By automating the process, you can increase efficiency with up to 600%.